The mission
The young people initiative is one of my main focuses at the moment. I am working hard to begin providing inspirational speaking engagements at schools in order to encourage the youth to spend time outdoors together. In doing so, I hope that they will "find their true north" and connect with nature once again. By providing these spaces where children can develop their passions and skills, as well as feel safe and supported, I aim to help them reconnect with mother nature.
Unfortunately, these efforts are currently arranged by the school’s independently with extremely limited assistance from outside resources, leaving it up to the teachers to arrange days out in their own time. The caveat being that there is also not enough time spent training staff throughout the established schools in becoming outdoor leaders themselves at some capacity.
I feel that outdoor education is as important to students as other subjects we currently teach. And it is paramount to bring awareness to this. My campaign to work with government and the education system will hopefully make the difference needed.
By speaking at schools and their students about how I aim to become an explorer travelling to remote locations around the world on expeditions, the equipment needed to stay safe and what I have done to find his true north.
I am also available to help in creating opportunities, safe trips to the mountains to further develop the schools aim to increase the value of their students within the great outdoors. I believe that this campaign will boost self-esteem, maturity and provide essential life skills by equipping young people with the right tools and attitude to promote their own mental resilience.
The Plan
By speaking at schools and Introducing their students to brighter hurizons through a HUB like community between independent and state establishments. This will open the doors and optonise oppotunity, sharing and providing the kit needed and hopefully joint trips. I will also continue doing this by creating opportunities, safe trips and training workshops. A campaign like this will boost self-esteem by equipping young people with the right tools and attitude to promote their own mental resilience. Funding is not at that stage, but with your help this could be the difference that our community needs.